Pujas & Rituals

Buddhist rituals, known as pujas, take place regularly at She Drup Ling. Puja means “worship” or “devotion“. Usually it is an offering ritual. In the simplest case, the offering consists of flowers and incense and is usually accompanied by prayers.
In Tibetan Buddhism, the practitioner also connects to a specific Buddha aspect through visualisations and meditation. Pujas can be held privately or in public.
It is considered particularly meritorious to perform pujas on Buddhist holidays.
Whether you are a practitioner or just curious, you are warmly invited to participate in our pujas! No registration necessary.
Tara Purification Night on Tue, 30.4.

As part or our City Retreat of the 21 Taras, Ani Losang Palmo will lead us in a Tara Purification night. Even if you do not participate in the retreat you can join the Tara Night:
- Tara Night 1. session 18.00-20.30
- Tara Night 2. session 22.00-24.00
- Tara Night 3. session (on Wed) 01.00-03.00
- Tara Night 4. session (on Wed) 04.00-06.00
On Wednesday morning, we clean up after the practice and go for breakfast together.
Regular Pujas & Rituals
White Tara Puja

When: every Saturday, 08.00 – 09.00
Lead by: Michael Aldrian
White Tara is also called the “Mother of all Buddhas”. She symbolises healing and long life. We celebrate the puja and Tsok (food offering) according to the transmission lineage of Ven. Khenchen Thrangu Rinpoche
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It was the wish of Ven. Lore Dandl to continue the practice according to her interpretation. This is why after the Puja, we share the Tsok offerings (food offerings) we bring.
Whether you are a practitioner or just interested, you are welcome to attend the puja. If you want to fully benefit from this practice on all levels, you will need an empowerment by a qualified lama.
We ask you bring a small financial contribution for the maintenance of our centre and/or contributions for the (breakfast) Tsok we share after the ritual.
The Puja also takes place online via ZOOM: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/81027406454
Meeting-ID 10 2740 6454
Passcode on request.

Venerable Eleonore Dandl Gyurme Lamo
25.11.1935 – 28.12.2012
As a Buddhist nun in Graz and a long-time practitioner of White Tara, Lore Dandl has made a great contribution to the integration of Buddhist practices into everyday life. We continue the White Tara ritual as she lead it during her lifetime.
Next White Tara Memorial Puja for Lore Dandl:
December 28, 2024, 8am
New Moon and Full Moon Pujas

When: each day at full moon and new moon, 17.30 – 18.30
Lead by: Barbara Klell, Manfred Klell, Silvia Freidinger
These days are considered to be very favourable for practising. This is why we meet for meditation on different Buddha aspects. At full moon we meet at the Stupa in Volksgarten park in Graz.
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We practice the New Moon Puja on the 30th day of the tibetan calender. Additionally to meditation on Buddha Shakyamuni we alternate visualisations for Green Tara and Vajrasattva. We ask for a voluntary donation for the maintenance of our center.

At Full Moon we practice on the 15th day of the tibetan calender. We meditate on Buddha Shakyamuni as well as alternately on Chenrezig and Prajñaparamita. The ritual takes place in all weather conditions at the Stupa in Volksgarten park Graz.

New Moon Puja 2024 | Full Moon Puja 2024 |
Thu. 11. Jan. – Vajrasattva Fri. 9. Feb. – Green Tara Sun. 10. Mar- Vajrasattva Mon. 8. Apr. – Green Tara Wed. 8. May- Vajrasattva Thu. 6. June – Green Tara Fri. 5. Jul – Vajrasattva Sun. 4. Aug. – Green Tara Tue. 3. Sep. – Vajrasattva Wed. 2. Oct. – Green Tara Fri. 1. Nov. – Vajrasattva Sun. 1. Dec. – Green Tara Mon. 30. Dec. – Vajrasattva | Thu. 25. Jan. – Chenrezig Sat. 24. Feb. – Prajñaparamita – Chötrul Düchen Mon. 25. Mar- Chenrezig Wed. 24. April – Prajñaparamita Thu. 23. May – Chenrezig – Vesakh/Saga Dawa Sat. 22. June – Prajñaparamita Sun. 21. Jul – Chenrezig Mon. 19. Aug. – Prajñaparamita Wed. 18. Sep. – Chenrezig Thu. 17. Oct. – Prajñaparamita Fri. 15. Nov. – Chenrezig Sun. 15. Dec. – Prajñaparamita |
Medicine Buddha Puja

When: on the 8th day of the tibetan calender, 17.30 – 18.15
Lead by: Ulrike Holzer, Barbara Klell
The Buddha is frequently called the „Great Physician“ because he aims at healing us with his teachings from the disease of suffering.
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In the Mahayana (the Great Vehicle), this healing aspect is personified as the blue Medicine Buddha, the „Medicine Master, King of Lapislazuli Light“.
The Medicine Buddha does not only heal diseases of the body but especially the mental afflictions, which are causes for both mental and physical suffering. Connecting with the Medicine Buddha through recitations and meditations, as we do during the puja, supports the healing process of sick people but also enhances the energy and motivation of medical professionals.
Dates 2024 |
Thu, 18. January Sat, 17. February Sun, 17. March Tue, 16. April Wed, 15. May Fri, 14. June Sun, 14. July Mon, 12. August Wed, 11. September Thu, 10. October Sat, 09. November Sun, 08. December |
21 Taras Practice Group

When: on the first Sunday each month, 14.30 – 15.30
Lead by: Stella and Tara Klell
We practice with the sadhana of the 21 Taras of Ven. Lodrö Tulku Rinpoche which we also recite with Venerable Losang Palmo during the 21 Tara Retreats..
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In each session, we decide on three or four of the 21 emanations of Tara to meditate upon. The sadhana is in German. Those who are interested in practising long term are advised to receive a 21 Taras empowerment from an authentic Lama.
We ask for a donation between € 10 und € 5.